JCDecaux SA برنامه ها

JCDecaux SA
Trouvez le sanitaire automatique le plusproche de vous !Pour chaque sanitaire vous saurez s'il est accessible aux personnesà mobilité réduite (PMR).Les sanitaires JCDecaux des villes suivantes sont référencés dansl'application :- Arcachon- Bayonne- Montpellier- Palavas- Pau- Reims- ToulouseFind the nearestautomatic health of you!For each health you will know if it is accessible to people withreduced mobility (PRM).Health JCDecaux following cities are referenced in theapplication:- Arcachon- Bayonne- Montpellier- Palavas- Pau- Reims- Toulouse
vel’OH! official 1.32.0
JCDecaux SA
The ideal partner to enjoy vel’OH! and be carefree!
AllBikesNow 2.8.2
JCDecaux SA
AllBikesNow is the ideal application for users ofself-servicebicycle systems operated by JCDecaux, number oneworldwide forself-service bicycle hire. AllBikesNow uses thegeolocation andmapping functions of your smartphone in order tosimplify theaccess to the service by informing you in real-timeabout theavailability of stations and the status of youraccount.AllBikesNow provides an immediate and effective response tothefollowing questions: - Where to find a bike around me? - Wheretoreturn my bike? - Where to find a station near to a givenaddress?- What is the status of my favorite stations? - How to beinformedin case of the unavailability of bikes/ parking at myfavoritestations? - What is my account status? - How much did wasmy lastjourney cost? AllBikesNow also guides you towards thestations ofyour choice through GPS navigation capabilitiesintegrated intoyour smartphone. AllBikesNow is available forself-service bicyclesystems of the following towns and cities:Amiens (Velam), Besançon(VéloCité), Brisbane (CityCycle), Bruxelles(Villo), Cergy (VelO2),Créteil (Cristolib), Dublin (DublinBikes),Göteborg(Styr&Stall), Kazan (Veli'k), Lillestrom (Bysykkel),Ljubljana(Bicikelj), Luxembourg (Veloh), Lyon (Velo’V), Marseille(le vélo),Mulhouse (VéloCité), Namur (Libiavelo), Nancy(VélOstan’lib),Nantes (Bicloo), Paris (Vélib), Rouen (Cy’clic),Santander(Tusbic), Séville (Sevici), Stockholm (Cyclocity),Toulouse(VélôToulouse), Toyama (Cyclocity), Valence (Valenbisi) andVilnius(Cyclocity). Languages: Dutch, English, French, German,Japanese,Lithuanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish,Slovenian,Spanish.
BicikeLJ 1.31.1
JCDecaux SA
BicikeLJ, it’s available 24/7
Villo! officiel 1.31.1
JCDecaux SA
The ideal partner to enjoy Villo! and be carefree!
SEVICI 1.31.1
JCDecaux SA
SEVICI, we are a bike rental service in the city of Seville
Vélo'v officiel 1.31.1
JCDecaux SA
The best mate to enjoy Vélo’v freely!
NOW dublinbikes 1.31.1
JCDecaux SA
Allows you release a bike from your phone, as well as new andimproved features
bicloo officiel 1.31.1
JCDecaux SA
The best mate to enjoy bicloo freely!
JCDecaux SA
VALENBISI, we are a bike rental service in the city of Seville
Vélostan'lib officiel 1.28.0
JCDecaux SA
The best mate to enjoy VélOstan'lib freely!
VéloCité officiel 1.31.1
JCDecaux SA
The ideal companion to enjoy VéloCité in complete freedom!
MBajk 1.31.1
JCDecaux SA
MBajk, it’s available 24/7
vélO2 officiel 1.32.0
JCDecaux SA
Your everyday travelling partner to fully enjoy vélO2!
Cyclocity Vilnius 1.32.0
JCDecaux SA
Discoveries with “Cyclocity Vilnius” bicycle in Your pocket!
Lundahoj Official 1.34.0
JCDecaux SA
Lundahoj is a bicycle system in the city of Lund.